Saturday, March 28, 2020

Cute Kids!

This me and my beautiful Grandma VanBelle. She is one of my favorite people. I lost my mom when I was 15 and my Grandma has been the one consistent older woman in my family that has remained in my life. right now she lives in a Senior Living Home in Spokane and I've learned that in her home another resident has tested positive for the covid-19 virus. I'm worried. I don't know how to explain the worry other than it a sick gut-wrenching feeling. Knowing this virus that is plaguing the world right now is so close to her. The family has decided to leave her where she is at - she has serious health problems now with her low blood count and the family is going she will agree to the blood transfusions when her body needs them. She is 97 and at times says she is ready to die. She is happy with the life she has lived.
I work in and run an Independent Senior Living Community and the possibility of having the covid-19 virus in my community is something I am constantly worried about. I've had restless nights and have worked many hours preparing my employees to do everything they can to decrease the chances of the virus coming into our home. Right now I'm not going anywhere other than my home and to work.
This last week we didn't know if we would be able to buy more toilet paper because our supplier was out. Luckily I was able to find it through someone else!
I'm hoping, along with the rest of the world, that the spread of the virus slows and the world can get back to normal soon.